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UK social security system "threadbare" says damning new report

A damning new report from the respected Joseph Rowntree Foundation makes clear that the UK Government's social security system is failing people when they're most in need.

The report righly points out that social security should be "a safety net that holds us up when times are tough" but points out that it not fit for purpose, saying that "it's too threadbare, and people are falling through the cracks."

The report calls on Rishi Sunak's Conservative government to urgently:

  • Provide additional cost of living payments now.
  • Make changes to Universal Credit so that the basic rate of support can never be so low that people are unable to afford essentials such as food, utility bills and basic household goods.
  • Help people keep up with their rent by unfreezing Local Housing Allowance and reinstating prior cover.
  • Implement a strong campaign for benefit take-up.
  • Stop unaffordable debt collection practices by Government.

The sub-zero temperatures this past week have driven many more people into crisis and Westminster must act decisively to deal with this unfolding catastophe.

The social security system has been systematically dismantled over a number of years and ravaged by Tory austerity and as a consequence, people are not being supported sufficiently to enable them to stay warm and have the food that they need.

People need help and they need it now to see them through the winter.

The warnings are stark and the Tories cannot continue to ignore them.

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