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SNP challenge Hunt to rethink cruel sanctions regime

Only independence offers a fair and equal economy

The SNP has urged the UK government to cease handing out "unfair" sanctions to households during the Westminster-made cost of living crisis.

It comes as the Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, prepares to announce that the Tories will make it harder for people to claim welfare while refusing to take “active steps” to move into work.

The UK Government's own data has shown that close to a third of all Universal Credit claimants are at risk of being sanctioned - whereby their benefits are reduced or stopped completely.

David Linden MP, the party's social justice spokesperson, has also said the Tories decision to make life harder for the poorest in society is "abhorrent" - whilst simultaneously slamming Labour for their commitment to continuing cruel Tory sanction policies.

Commenting, David Linden MP said:

"The fact the Chancellor is even considering making life harder for some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in society is abhorrent.

"Thousands of families in Scotland are suffering under the current sanctions scheme, especially throughout the Westminster-made cost of living crisis which is already pushing far too many people into poverty.

"The Scottish Government are doing everything in their power to mitigate against the cruel welfare policies of Westminster. We are focused on building a social security system that is fair and dignified with policies such as the Scottish Child Payment and Best Start Grants.

"However, for every step the SNP take, Westminster drags us back two. Only with the full powers of independence can we finally rid ourselves of Westminster's abhorrent policies and build a fairer society for all."

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