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DWP mismanagement leaves claimants underpaid by £3.3bn

Scotland's pensioners hammered by westminster

A report by the national audit office has revealed large scale underpayments by Westminster's Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) reaching £3.3 billion - the highest level on record.

The DWP has confirmed that, on average, 33% of Universal Credit claims were incorrect in 2022-23, equivalent to 1.6 million, and that 165,000 state pensioners were underpaid £1.2 billion in the same period.

The report also disclosed that the National Insurance records for 10 million people claiming Universal Credit have not been updated properly.

David Linden MP, the SNP's Social Justice Spokesperson, has urged the Tory government at Westminster to issue an immediate payout to claimants, and a formal apology to those who have been impacted by the error.

Commenting, David Linden MP said:

"The nonchalant attitude of the Department of Work and Pensions to accurately pay claimants and pensioners the money they are due is deeply insulting to all those that rely on the payments.

"The Westminster government must urgently rectify this situation by issuing a payout to claimants, offering an apology to those who received an underpayment and ensuring that all their systems are updated so this does not happen again.

"However, what this highlights is simply another failing of Westminster's social security system - from the two child limit to the benefit cap, from the lowest state pension in Europe to unfair sanctions regime - the list of failings is endless.

"In direct contrast, the SNP Government is delivering progressive policies like the Scottish Child Payment, free personal care and the baby box - providing a social security system built on fairness, dignity and respect. With the full powers of independence we could go so much further."

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