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Scotland's future must be in Scotland's hands

Today's Supreme Court decision is disappointing but I respect the ruling - one that dismantles the falsehood that the United Kingdom is a partnership of equals.

Whether you are in favour of Scotland becoming an independent country or have yet to be persuaded, there exists an undeniable democratic deficit.

In 2014, the people of Scotland were told by those advocating a No vote that we should lead rather than leave the UK. It is abundantly clear that there was no intention of allowing us to do either.

Instead, we are being locked into a broken Westminster system and repeatedly forced to suffer the reckless decisions of Tory governments that we did not vote for.

Scotland is a country with the right to self-determination and our democratic decisions must matter.

Today, the democratic campaign for the right of people in Scotland to decide their own future has become even more important.

Scotland's voice must and will be heard.

Image of Canon Kenyon Wright with a quote from him which reads 'What if that other voice we all know so well responds by saying, we say no and we are
the state? Well we say yes - and we are the people.'