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Absence of leadership allowing Westminster cost of living crisis to worsen

An "absence of leadership" at Westminster is allowing the cost of living crisis and financial worries of millions of households to worsen and continue uninterrupted, the SNP has said.

It comes as the Financial Conduct Authority revealed today one in seven (14% or an estimated 7.4 million people across the UK) adults felt heavily burdened keeping up with domestic bills and credit commitments at the start of 2024.

The figure is an increase of 1.6 million from the 5.8 million people (11%) who were struggling in February 2020, before the cost-of-living crisis started.

Commenting, the SNP's Social Justice spokesperson, David Linden MP said:

"Westminster's cost of living crisis has forced an immense financial burden on millions of ordinary households through no fault of their own.

"Through a combination of Brexit, championed by both Labour and the Tories, and Westminster's disastrous economic mismanagement, prices have skyrocketed on almost everything from mortgages to food and energy.

"And with every day that passes more stories come to light that reveal just how bad this crisis is.

"It falls upon the UK government and the Westminster parties responsible for this mess to help families find a way through their financial struggles - but so far both Labour and the Tories have been silent while people suffer.

"A total absence of leadership from the main Westminster parties is allowing this to worsen and hammer ordinary people more and more.

"Only the SNP has stood up in Westminster for targeted support to help households through this crisis, and by voting SNP at the next election Scotland can ensure it has representatives who will continue to fight for the help ordinary people desperately need."

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