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Cruel two-child limit pushing families deeper into poverty

New research shows Tory policy not fit for purpose

The SNP has demanded the UK government finally scrap the cruel two-child cap - introduced by the Tories in April 2017 - as fresh research revealed the cap has forced hundreds of thousands into poverty.

The SNP's Social Justice spokesperson, David Linden MP, warned the Tory policy - the only one of its kind in the world - is exacerbating child poverty and undermining Scottish Government efforts to tackle child poverty in Scotland.

The research comes on the same day as Audit Scotland praised the Scottish Government's flagship free childcare policies, and on the same week as new figures showed 303,000 children are in receipt of the Scottish Government's "game changing" Scottish Child Payment: giving families £25 a week, per eligible child, straight to their pockets.

SNP Social Justice spokesperson, David Linden MP said:

"The UK Tory government is the only government in the world that caps benefits after the second child - that speaks volumes. And we know the policy is now just futile and cruel given it has not achieved it's aims, and has only served to push hundreds of thousands into poverty.

"The policy, which has been around for five years longer than it should have, must go. It is exacerbating child poverty and undermining our efforts in Scotland to tackle it - and it has no place in modern society.

"In stark contrast to the policies of the Tories' the Scottish Government has listened to the experts and is doing what it can to put money in people's pockets in Scotland and tackle poverty.

"But while we've done that the UK government has taken it away again by continuing with this cruel policy and refusing to heed widespread calls to bring in policies that will make a difference to struggling families.

"With one hand tied behind our back we've made meaningful progress - but all that and more is at risk for as long as we remain attached to the broken Westminster system. To do more and fully eradicate child poverty for good it's clear we need a clean break with the full powers of independence."

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