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Paterson’s landfill plans dumped

Residents of Broomhouse and Mount Vernon will be relieved to learn that a proposal to increase the height of the landfill site operated by Paterson’s has now been withdrawn.

The landfill operator was dealt a serious blow earlier this year when the Scottish Government insisted on a full Environmental Impact Assessment being carried out.

Faced with universal opposition from locals and elected representatives in the area, Paterson’s have now dropped their plans.

This is encouraging news and a win for residents in Broomhouse and Mount Vernon who made it clear that further expansion of the landfill site would not be accepted.

I am seeking clarity and assurances that this proposal won’t simply re-appear in future, but I hope my constituents will be able to breathe a sigh of relief now.

Paterson’s should now respect the views of local residents and representatives - myself included - who have given their resounding disapproval to these plans.

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