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McVitie's Carlisle expansion plan uncovered

Since announcing the proposal to close the McVitie's factory Tollcross, parent company Pladis’ main argument has been that the company is doing so due to issues of "excess capacity" in the business.

It has now emerged that Pladis has submitted an application to Carlisle City Council to extend its North of England facility.

This bombshell revelation that they are in fact planning to expand another site means that the arguments about overcapacity have crumbled quicker than your average McVitie's biscuit.

It also casts doubt upon Pladis' previous assertion that the statutory consultation process which is currently ongoing with staff at the Tollcross factory would be meaningful.

Pladis need to quit playing games with their employees’ livelihoods, come to the table and properly engage with the Action Group. Anything less is a major failure of responsibility which raises serious questions for a company which claims to have a so-called family business ethos.

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